Moonian Commissions
Current Status: Open.
To avoid not seeing your messages, I ask you to message me via e-mail with your commission information. Thank you!
Terms of Service
Hello! I see you're interested in commissioning me!
I'm glad to be your choice, but there are some terms and conditions that need to be followed:
- I need a description of the character you want me to draw. It can be by pictures, reference sheet or text. Be sure to describe it in a way I can understand;
- I'm open for discussion if you're looking for pieces to release / publish (such as merch, book illustrations...);
- Even though initial contact can be made via Instagram or Twitter, information about the commission shall be made via e-mail ONLY;
- Payment will be made only via PayPal;
- Half of the payment will be made upfront and the restant will be made when the art is finished. HOWEVER I'll need to receive the rest of the payment before I can send you the file via email;
- Priority will be given in order of request.
(this means that the first person who placed an order will get the finished piece first.);
- I own the rights of the art since I'm the artist and creator of the piece;
- Unless the commissioner suggests a pose and/or clothing, I'll chose the whole composition;
- Modifications / alterations can only be done during the sketch and lineart phases;
- The four first alterations are free. Any exceeding modifications will be charged with a 5% fee;
- NO REFUNDS. If by any chance the finished product isn't of your liking, I will not be giving a refund. There was the possibility to modify the drawing just as the client wanted with the modifications mentioned before, but since no complaints were made, it's understood as if the project met the expectations;
- I do take longer to finish commissions because of work and also because I take breaks to avoid burnouts and art blocks;
- I will post the finished piece on my platforms, so I can keep it updated. I do tag the commissioner, but it's completely fine to keep it anonymous if desired.
- OCs (with reference)
- Furry / Monsters
- LGBTQ+ content (SFW)
- Nude
- Light NSFW
- Mechas
- Animals
- Detailed backgrounds
- Porn or Hard NSFW
- Political drawings
- Anything racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic or anti-semitic;
- Commissions without references (images, reference sheets or text)
Now that you have read everything regarding my terms of services, you can check the prices and also more examples of my art by clicking the button down below: